Clean room technology and clean room management systems are found in many more areas than you may think, and not only in operating theatres, life sciences or semiconductor production.
Clean room conditions are also needed in the nano industry, in breweries, commercial bakeries, pharmacies, livestock facilities, in automotive engineering, and in control rooms and meeting rooms: in short, wherever the requirements of hygienic air and pressure control are high.
In contrast to the other areas of ventilation and air conditioning, which revolve around the human being, ventilation and air conditioning in clean rooms is meant to protect a product. The new Apple iPhone processor A8X, for example, is fitted with 3 billion transistors. To ensure the functional reliability of such tiny circuits, filters must be able to separate submicrometre particles. Almost unimaginable.
Today we are standing on the threshold to the next industrial revolution. The 'Internet of Things' will enable us to build artificial intelligence into everyday products and parts. This is the fascinating topic of our reportage.
Enjoy our magazine!
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